Saturday, January 8, 2011

"MY LOVER THE SEA" by Reinaldo Arenas

In this poem, the author Reinaldo Arenas, describes the life of the children that were abandoned, and their predicted future which is "to become criminals". In the very first lines of his poetry, Reinaldo Arenas mentions the sadness these children feel because they were left, and the shame that they have because they do not feel as part of the normal world; more precisely they feel anxious and afraid that they actually bother the other members of the society. Further, the author expresses the different phases of these children. Firsly, they feel abandoned and ashamed of the fact that they are unwanted by the other people. Secondly, they start to hate these people because of leaving them besides and considering them unworthy. Thirdly, they want to revenge to all these people that made them feel so bad; thus, finally, they become criminals. Another fact that should really make us worried is that nobody cares about these children and their life; which is so poor and full of misery. They do not even try to find a family who can take care of these children, therefore, their life ends up being prisoned and accused of various kinds of crimes. People should understand the fact that they are just "children" and they need to be loved and cared for just like every other child in the world.

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